Структура TBBUTTON

   iBitmap As Long
   idCommand As Long
   fsState As Byte
   fsStyle As Byte
   bReserved1 As Byte
   bReserved2 As Byte
   dwData As Long
   iString As Long
End Type

Структура TBBUTTON содержит информацию о кнопке в панели инструментов

Состав структуры

Индекс (отсчет от 0) картинки кнопки. Set this member to I_IMAGECALLBACK, and the toolbar will send the TBN_GETDISPINFO notification to retrieve the image index when it is needed. Version 5.81. Set this member to I_IMAGENONE to indicate that the button does not have an image. The button layout will not include any space for a bitmap, only text. If the button is a separator, that is, if fsStyle is set to BTNS_SEP, iBitmap determines the width of the separator, in pixels. For information on selecting button images from image lists, see TB_SETIMAGELIST
Идентификатор команды, связанной с кнопкой. Данный идентификатор используется сообщением WM_COMMAND при выборе кнопки
Флаг состояния кнопки
TBSTATE_CHECKEDКнопка имеет стиль TBSTYLE_CHECK и была нажата
TBSTATE_ELLIPSESVersion 4.70. Текст на кнопке урезается и выводится многоточие
TBSTATE_ENABLEDКнопка реагирует на нажатия пользователем. Кнопка не имеющая данный флаг выводится серым цветом
TBSTATE_HIDDENКнопка невидима и не реагирует на нажатия пользователем
TBSTATE_MARKEDVersion 4.71. Кнопка с галочкой
TBSTATE_PRESSEDКнопка была нажата
TBSTATE_WRAPThe button is followed by a line break. The button must also have the TBSTATE_ENABLED state.
Стиль кнопки. Возможна комбинация различных стилей
Allows users to change a toolbar button's position by dragging it while holding down the ALT key. If this style is not specified, the user must hold down the SHIFT key while dragging a button. Note that the CCS_ADJUSTABLE style must be specified to enable toolbar buttons to be dragged.

Version 4.70. Generates NM_CUSTOMDRAW notification messages when the toolbar processes WM_ERASEBKGND messages.

Version 4.70. Creates a flat toolbar. In a flat toolbar, both the toolbar and the buttons are transparent and hot-tracking is enabled. Button text appears under button bitmaps. To prevent repainting problems, this style should be set before the toolbar control becomes visible. 

Version 4.70. Creates a flat toolbar with button text to the right of the bitmap. Otherwise, this style is identical to TBSTYLE_FLAT. To prevent repainting problems, this style should be set before the toolbar control becomes visible.

Version 4.71. Generates TBN_GETOBJECT notification messages to request drop target objects when the cursor passes over toolbar buttons.

Creates a ToolTip control that an application can use to display descriptive text for the buttons in the toolbar.

Version 4.71. Creates a transparent toolbar. In a transparent toolbar, the toolbar is transparent but the buttons are not. Button text appears under button bitmaps. To prevent repainting problems, this style should be set before the toolbar control becomes visible.

Creates a toolbar that can have multiple lines of buttons. Toolbar buttons can "wrap" to the next line when the toolbar becomes too narrow to include all buttons on the same line. When the toolbar is wrapped, the break will occur on either the rightmost separator or the rightmost button if there are no separators on the bar. This style must be set to display a vertical toolbar control when the toolbar is part of a vertical rebar control.

Note: A toolbar button can have a combination of the following styles. To specify a button style, set the appropriate flags in the fsStyle member of the button's TBBUTTON structure. Not all styles can be combined. 

For Shell version 4.72 and earlier, both window and button style flags had the form TBSTYLE_XXX. If you are compiling an application with version 4.72 or earlier of Commctrl.h, you must use the TBSTYLE_XXX button style flags. For version 5.80 and later, all button styles have the form BTNS_XXX. All of the TBSTYLE_XXX values have equivalent BTNS_XXX values, with the same meaning and numerical value. For convenience, both forms are given in the following table.

Version 5.80. Specifies that the toolbar control should not assign the standard width to the button. Instead, the button's width will be calculated based on the width of the text plus the image of the button. Use the equivalent style flag, TBSTYLE_AUTOSIZE, for version 4.72 and earlier.

Version 5.80. Creates a standard button. Use the equivalent style flag, TBSTYLE_BUTTON, for version 4.72 and earlier.

Version 5.80. Creates a dual-state push button that toggles between the pressed and nonpressed states each time the user clicks it. The button has a different background color when it is in the pressed state. Use the equivalent style flag, TBSTYLE_CHECK, for version 4.72 and earlier.

Version 5.80. Creates a button that stays pressed until another button in the group is pressed, similar to option buttons (also known as radio buttons). It is equivalent to combining BTNS_CHECK and BTNS_GROUP. Use the equivalent style flag, TBSTYLE_CHECKGROUP, for version 4.72 and earlier.

Version 5.80. Creates a drop-down style button that can display a list when the button is clicked. Instead of the WM_COMMAND message used for normal buttons, drop-down buttons send a TBN_DROPDOWN notification. An application can then have the notification handler display a list of options. Use the equivalent style flag, TBSTYLE_DROPDOWN, for version 4.72 and earlier. 
If the toolbar has the TBSTYLE_EX_DRAWDDARROWS extended style, drop-down buttons will have a drop-down arrow displayed in a separate section to their right. If the arrow is clicked, a TBN_DROPDOWN notification will be sent. If the associated button is clicked, a WM_COMMAND message will be sent.

Version 5.80. When combined with BTNS_CHECK, creates a button that stays pressed until another button in the group is pressed. Use the equivalent style flag, TBSTYLE_GROUP, for version 4.72 and earlier.

Version 5.80. Specifies that the button text will not have an accelerator prefix associated with it. Use the equivalent style flag, TBSTYLE_NOPREFIX, for version 4.72 and earlier.

Version 5.80. Creates a separator, providing a small gap between button groups. A button that has this style does not receive user input. Use the equivalent style flag, TBSTYLE_SEP, for version 4.72 and earlier.

Version 5.81. Specifies that button text should be displayed. All buttons can have text, but only those buttons with the BTNS_SHOWTEXT button style will display it. This button style must be used with the TBSTYLE_LIST style and the TBSTYLE_EX_MIXEDBUTTONS extended style. If you set text for buttons that do not have the BTNS_SHOWTEXT style, the toolbar control will automatically display it as a ToolTip when the cursor hovers over the button. This feature allows your application to avoid handling the TBN_GETINFOTIP notification for the toolbar.

Version 5.80. Specifies that the button will have a drop-down arrow, but not as a separate section. Buttons with this style behave the same, regardless of whether the TBSTYLE_EX_DRAWDDARROWS extended style is set.

Equivalent to BTNS_AUTOSIZE. Use TBSTYLE_AUTOSIZE for version 4.72 and earlier.

Equivalent to BTNS_BUTTON. Use TBSTYLE_BUTTON for version 4.72 and earlier. 

Equivalent to BTNS_CHECK. Use TBSTYLE_CHECK for version 4.72 and earlier.

Equivalent to BTNS_CHECKGROUP. Use TBSTYLE_CHECKGROUP for version 4.72 and earlier.

Equivalent to BTNS_DROPDOWN. Use TBSTYLE_DROPDOWN for version 4.72 and earlier.

Equivalent to BTNS_GROUP. Use TBSTYLE_GROUP for version 4.72 and earlier. 

Equivalent to BTNS_NOPREFIX. Use TBSTYLE_NOPREFIX for version 4.72 and earlier.

Equivalent to BTNS_SEP. Use TBSTYLE_SEP for version 4.72 and earlier.
Значение, определяемое приложением
Индекс (отсчет от 0) строки или строка, содержащая текст для кнопки

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